What are Demonstrators?
Demonstrators explore how we can use evidence to address a major strategic issue. Our Coaches work with local stakeholders and draw on evidence, to understand the issue and how it can be addressed, before facilitating an evidence-informed change programme.
Insights are shared widely, and we’ll work with national policy and practice leaders to embed future learnings.
Project Team

Robin Miller
Demonstrators lead (birmingham)
I began my career in practice as a social worker, team manager, commissioner and senior manager of health and social care services. For the last ten years I have been an applied academic with an interest in innovation, integration, and leadership.
What gets me out of the bed in the morning is the opportunity to work with people, communities, practitioners, and fellow academics who are committed to improving the quality of social care. IMPACT provides the best chance we have had in a lifetime to do this across the UK – and I am proud to be part of it.

Naomi Russell
Demonstrators lead (Birmingham)
I am a social worker and have worked with working age adults for most of my career. I have a particular interest in Preparing for Adulthood, Co-Production and Strength-Based Approaches.
I have just completed a Masters in Research Methods and wanted to combine these skills with my social work practice experience to focus on improving people’s experiences of social care.