Your Voice

We love hearing your voice and value all perspectives from across the adult social care sector. We’re always looking for people with diverse professional and personal experiences to share their thoughts through a variety of formats and channels. We have a diverse and engaged audience of academics, practitioners, people with lived experience and beyond.

Our newsletter is received by over 1200 people from across the sector; you can subscribe here. We have a diverse audience of over 1700 people across our Twitter and LinkedIn channels.

Learn about previous ways in which your voice has helped shape our projects, and stay informed about our current or upcoming opportunities to get involved.

Getting Involved

If you have an idea or experience to share, get in touch with our Communications Team.

Ask IMPACT Projects

We are always looking for people to share their lived experience via video ‘talking heads’ or blogs, to expand on the research we share in our Ask IMPACT projects.

If you can contribute, please contact Izzy Kennedy, our Communications and Engagements Manager

IMPACT’s Newsletter

Should you have an update from within the world of adult social care, be it research in practice, job opportunities, or your lived experience, we would be happy to discuss how this can be promoted in our newsletter.

If you can contribute, please contact Izzy Kennedy, our Communications and Engagements Manager

Video, Animation & Photography

We are always looking to represent real people within the adult social care sector.

We would love to capture some photos of your in your daily life or engaging with services. We also want to capture the stories of real events and experiences as part of our commitment to including ‘seldom heard voices’.

In some cases, you might have insights into the way that adult social care operates, and may be able to showcase your knowledge by narrating an animated explainer.

If any of these sound like you, please contact Munpreet Sohal, our Digital Communications Officer

Website Content

We would love to share blogs that reflect the lived experience of adult social care, as well as professional experience and academic knowledge.

If you have a story to share, please contact Munpreet Sohal, our Digital Communications Officer


IMPACT host a number of events every year. If you would like to attend or have any suggestions for future events please get in touch.

Contact Alys Clarke, our Communications and Activity Coordinator

Social Media Content

We share several updates on social media related to our projects, research, lived experience and other developments within adult social care.

If you have something to share, please contact Alys Clarke, our Communications and Activity Coordinator

Previous examples

The Future of Care Exhibition

We reached out to all those within and surrounding the Adult Social Care sector. We asked what care means to you, and what you believe the future of care should look like.

The response was overwhelming and we are excited to be able to share several entries within our exhibition.

View the Future of Care Exhibition

Co-Design Survey

We conducted this national survey with the adult social care sector during our ‘Co-design’ phase. We wanted to gain a better understanding of:

  • what constitutes evidence for different stakeholders,
  • how evidence is currently used in adult social care (or not),
  • how IMPACT should design its work programme,
  • what topic areas to prioritise
  • and how people like to communicate.

Obert Tawodzera and Jon Glasby reviewed the results in January 2022, in preparation for the next phase of the IMPACT centre.

Read the full report