Ask IMPACT: IMPACT Delivery Model (Video)

What is Ask IMPACT?

Ask IMPACT identifies ‘hot topics’ across adult social care, reviews existing evidence and produces very accessible guides to help people with the challenges and opportunities they’re facing.  Ask IMPACT guides are designed to be really rigorous, but also practical and really accessible – building up a collection of trusted materials over time.

Ask IMPACT Guides

Recruitment & Retention within Social Care Services

Ask IMPACT has looked at the difficulty of recruiting and retaining staff within adult social care, and explored what can help.

COVID-19: What did we learn?

COVID was a terrible tragedy, and it’s still with us now. 

However, we also learned a lot about how to manage change in the middle of a crisis – what are some of the key lessons?

Hospital discharge: What matters to older people and families?

Coming out of hospital has been a difficult area of policy and practice throughout the history of the NHS and social care.

Instead of focusing on ‘freeing up hospital beds’ – important though this is – this guide looks at things that the evidence suggests matter to older people and families – some of which might not always be things that services think about as much as they perhaps could.

Project Team

Izzy Kennedy


The chance to make a real difference to the lives of people across the four nations is really special. IMPACT’s focus on lived experience is what attracted me to the team and being able to share those experiences and stories is exciting. I joined IMPACT after six years working in government communications. I started as a PR apprentice on a Whitehall social media team, and worked in digital comms before becoming the stakeholder manager for a Minister.


Knowledge and Evidence Lead

I have over 20 years’ experience in library and information management, supporting staff, students and researchers within academia and the wider health & social care sectors. Joining IMPACT has given me the opportunity to play an innovative and exciting role in both the search for and the dissemination of “evidence” into practice within adult social care at a very practical level.