Clenton Farquharson CBE
Clenton Farquharson CBE, is a disabled person with lived experience who draws upon health and social care. As a consultant, he focuses on: fairness, equity, a just society, anti-oppression, diversity, inclusion, and multiple disadvantages. Clenton’s work relies heavily on the idea of intersectionality to improve health and social care.
Clenton is Chair of the Think Local Act Personal programme board and Quality Matters. He is also a member of the Coalition for Personalised Care, the Social Care Sector COVID-19 Stakeholder Group, and the NHS Assembly. Currently, Clenton is also a trustee of the Race Equality Foundation and an ambassador for both Disability Rights UK, and Skills for Care. He is also a director of Community Navigator Services CIC.
Clenton was named in Disability News Services’ list of influential disabled people. He was listed in the top 50 of HSJ’s most influential Black, Asian, and minority ethnic people in health. He was also voted top social care leader in the recent Social Care Top 30 awards hosted by Care Talk magazine.