News & Media Updates
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We are always on the look out for blogs from across the adult social care sector, and from across the four nations. Please email us on [email protected] with ideas or content.
Care Matters Podcast Features
News Updates
Transforming Care in Rural England
Co-producing our Waiting Lists Demonstrator
Find out more from 2025-26 host organisations
IMPACT to run 22 projects across the UK in 2025-26
Recruiting more men
Can AI fix the care “crisis”?
Making a reality of asset-based practice in social care
Find out more from 2024-25 host organisations
Policy and Practice Event, Wales
Launching the first IMPACT Demonstrator project at Stormont
Values Based Recruitment (VBR) Podcast Episode
Who Cares? An exploration of caregiving and care receiving
Our Projects
Our projects fit within four delivery models. You can learn about each delivery model, the project topics we are working on, and the people involved. We will be sharing our discoveries and findings as each project comes to a close.