Work with IMPACT in 2025-26
We are looking for organisations that will work with us in 2025-2026 as part of our IMPACT Networks (each Network is made up of five local groups). We call these organisations IMPACT ‘sites’.
Application information
Full details on the application process and potential projects can be found below. To talk through this information and answer questions, which you can watch back here. You can also access the slides used in the briefing here (the briefing and slides include information about other delivery models – the closing date to apply to host one of these projects was Wednesday 20 November).
IMPACT ‘Sites’
An IMPACT ‘site’ could be
- An individual service (from a community organisation to a local authority),
- a local ‘system’ (where all the services in one area come together to express an interest),
- or even a whole region.
We will be seeking a real mix of sites across the country and in terms of diversity.
All are welcome to apply
We’re encouraging sites to put themselves forward even if they are struggling and finding things difficult – these sites might benefit most from the funding we have.
We want this process to be transparent but simple. We know that we will get more sites coming forward than we can work with, so we’ll have some difficult choices to make – but we want to avoid large amounts of wasted work for sites that aren’t chosen on this occasion.
Possible topics
We are asking sites to apply to host one of our delivery models on some of the topics listed below. We are also open for sites to suggest alternatives in case this identifies other ways of delivering on IMPACT’s priorities. The longlist is therefore illustrative rather than prescriptive, and not all topics may be addressed. These are deliberately very broad topics – but proposals often work best when your idea or project is very specific and focused – so please try to make sure that applications are clear on the detail of what you want to take forward through working with us, rather than being too general or broad. You can explore previous projects to get a sense of what has worked well.
Final decisions will also depend on us checking the available evidence to make sure that there is enough material for us to work with – we work with evidence from research, from lived experience and from practice knowledge – and all projects bring together people who draw on care and support, carers, front-line staff and senior leaders to work on changes together.
NB – lots of local groups can join each of our Networks – so we’d like to see lots of areas come forward for these.
Projects and Submission
You can scroll down to learn about each delivery model and how to apply. Alternatively, you can use these buttons to skip to the model you are interested in.
Possible Networks include:
- Providing support to people who fund their own care
- Delivering social care in coastal communities
- Citizen leadership (people who draw on care and support being supported to take up leadership responsibilities, as we seek to design social care systems around the priorities and interests of people with lived experience and communities)
- Exploring the use of artificial intelligence in adult social care
- Meeting the social care needs of refugees and asylum seekers
- Breaking down barriers between different ‘service user’ groups, by promoting more intergenerational and whole family approaches
- Improving retention of staff
- Using data to improve services
Learn more about Networks
Network Process
Local groups meet together over 6 months to work on the same practical local issue, with their experiences and learning shared across all the local groups who are taking part (all working on the same issue locally) after each meeting. A video with more information is available here.
Local Network Coordinator
IMPACT works with the local site to identify and train a ‘Local Network Co-ordinator’. This Co-ordinator is often a local leader, who takes responsibility for bringing together key stakeholders and chairing local meetings.
We pay an honorarium to the Local Network Co-ordinator’s organisation and cover any venue/refreshment costs. We can also pay for things like travel, replacement care, PA support etc if this helps people participate.
Group Commitments
The group commit to developing an action plan and working together on practical changes locally. They also commit to sharing lessons with the central team to share with others
Post Network
Some local groups decide to carry on meeting and/or linking to other Network members after the project finishes. This allows them to keep learning from each other – but is entirely voluntary. However, we ask Local Coordinators to stay in touch with us so we learn about the practical changes you make.
Apply to host a project
We want to get a mix of different sites in different parts of the UK – so please don’t be put off engaging with IMPACT if you aren’t successful on this occasion, and please don’t be put off engaging if you were unsuccessful last time.
To submit an application, you’ll need to be someone within your organisation who has the authority to do this and/or to have support from a relevant senior leader. Our short form asks you some brief questions about why you’re applying and about your thoughts on the topic, and checks that (if you were successful) you’d be happy with what IMPACT could offer and what we’d need from you. It’s designed to be very quick and simple – we hope you could complete it in 5-10 minutes if you’ve thought through and talked over the questions in advance, and if you have senior commitment to the potential project.
If you have any practical queries or want to explore further informally and in confidence, please contact: [email protected]